Hemp Seed Oil Australia: 7 Amazing Health Benefits

Hemp products in Australia are starting to get more popularity in the last several years. Like cannabis, the hemp plant has numerous beneficial properties that can promote our wellbeing. Hemp seed oil, in particular, is touted as a holistic medicine of the future.

What is hemp seed oil?

The oil from hemp seeds is extracted from the plant’s seeds. Unlike marijuana products, there is very little chance that you’ll get high when using this substance.

It has very little THC content (this is the substance that gets us high), so there isn’t any reason to be concerned about potential hazards when consuming it.

Keep in mind that CBD oil is not the same as hemp oil.

CBD products have a much higher concentration of cannabidiol or CBD, and unlike hemp oil that is extracted from seeds, CBD products utilize plant’s leaves, stalks, and flowers.

It is also worth mentioning that seeds have a lower content of beneficial matters. Hemp seed oil is not as potent as CBD oil, but it also carries lower risks.

Nevertheless, the product is great for your health, and you can even use it for some serious medical conditions.

In this article, we will analyze some of the main benefits of seed oil derived from hemp.

Let’s jump right in!

Skin benefits of hemp seed oil

Although many people don’t know this, cannabis and hemp are great for skin issues. They are full of beneficial nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, which help stave off wrinkles and other imperfections.

Its lipids are especially good for the treatment of various skin conditions. You can use the substance for inflammations, and in particular, acne.

In 2014, there was a study that researched the topical application of hemp seed oil. Besides the fact that the product helped with acne, it was able to eliminate future infections.

Although the studies are not yet conclusive, and there is much more to learn about the plant, it seems that oil from hemp seeds can be used for eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, varicose eczema, acne rosacea, etc.

Brain Benefits

Besides the skin, hemp can also be used for the improvement of brain function. Its various compounds work well in protecting the brain from various degenerative conditions that come as a sign of aging.

There were several studies performed on mice, where mice were given various hemp seed extracts.

In one particular study, it was discovered that hemp seed oil could be used to prevent brain inflammations. This is probably due to substances called polyphenols, which are amazing for the brain.

These initial studies are promising, but we still lack any research perform on human beings.

Nevertheless, everything’s pointing in the right direction. There are even some indications that the cannabis plant can be used for the treatment of Alzheimer’s, but we are still far away from this.

Benefits for your heart

Due to the fact that cannabis plants have more than 100 different active substances, they can be used for a wide spectrum of conditions. Among others, they can be used to protect the heart.

Like with most other potential hemp benefits, we still need more studies to be certain of it. People usually refer to old studies or studies that were performed on animals. In order to full-heartedly recommend hemp seed oil for the heart, we would need better medical evidence.

According to the oldest researches, it seems that the plant can help regulate blood pressure; it can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and even balance cholesterol levels.

The secret lies in alpha-linolenic acid, a substance that works well for all these conditions.

Benefits of full-spectrum hemp seed oil

Patients who are using full-spectrum products can expect some additional benefits. This is because the substance also possesses cannabidiol, which is a common ingredient of medical marijuana products.

Keep in mind that most hemp products do have some CBD, but they simply don’t have enough cannabidiol to make a change.

If you’re using full-spectrum products, you will be able to treat many more conditions than you would with the regular oil from hemp seeds.

  • Pain

Like regular cannabis, full-spectrum hemp seed oil can do wonders for chronic pain.

The substance is especially popular among cancer patients, as well as those who are suffering from severe, chronic inflammations.

There are a lot of cannabis doctors who recommend either CBD oil or hemp oil for pain reduction. The substances are oftentimes used with traditional medication.

The main reason why you should use hemp seeds oil and CBD oil for pain is that it is a natural solution. It is especially great if you wish to avoid some stronger pain medication.

Always remember that this product is completely natural, which makes it much healthier. It is also the reason why side effects are much less common.

  • Acne

Both regular and full-spectrum CBD oil can do wonders for your skin.

However, it seems that the full-spectrum product is much better when it comes to acne. This is simply because it has more CBD.

It works by affecting the sebum glands and purifying them. You will produce much less sebum; your pores will no longer be clogged, which in turn, will avoid potential infection and subsequent inflammation.

  • Muscles

Today, hemp seed oil and cannabis oil are especially popular among patients who are suffering from a wide variety of muscle issues.

People use them for different types of spasms, epilepsy, and Parkinson’s.

Besides the fact that it can be used as a valid muscle treatment, it also works by providing overall muscle relaxation. In that sense, hemp seeds oil can even be used as an anti-stress and relaxation therapy.

All of this is due to a high concentration of CBD in full-spectrum oil from hemp seeds.

The substance works well for all these conditions, and it is only a question of the day when it will become a mainstream muscle drug. You can also use it topically to relax muscles after exercise.


The Australian cannabis market has numerous interesting products for users. Although the traditional hemp oil is less regulated, full-spectrum hemp oil is a bit harder to obtain.

It is much closer to medical marijuana than to regular, hemp oil, which can be purchased almost anywhere, without a special permit.

The hemp seed oil has amazing potential. Alas, we still have to learn more about it. The majority of studies are outdated or performed on animal subjects.

This is why we cannot be certain if and how this organic product will work on human beings.

Nevertheless, the substance has unlimited potential, and it is up to us to perform proper studies that would turn this, once an illicit substance, into a staple of the pharmaceutical industry.