Industrial Hemp in Australia: Top 3 Questions Answered

Looking for more information about industrial hemp in Australia? Then you’ve come to the right place!

Hemp is one of the best plants in nature based on its usefulness. You can do so many things with it; you can use hemp as food, for various fabrics, ropes, and fabrics, as a building material, and so on. 

Although very useful, people have various misconceptions regarding industrial hempThe main issue is the fact that the plant belongs to the cannabis family. Because of that, people perceive it as a narcotic and dangerous. 

In order to differentiate what is what, we’ve created this detailed article.

1. Is industrial hemp dangerous?

First of all, industrial hemp is not dangerous in any way. It is not a poisonous species, and while it belongs to the cannabis family, it cannot get you high.

As of late, a lot of companies started using hemp because of its high CBD content. CBD or cannabidiol is a substance that promotes health and wellbeing. With it, you can control symptoms and conditions such as chronic pain, insomnia, stress, depression, muscle spasms, inflammations, etc.

Like cannabis, it has THC, which is the psychoactive substance that gets you high. Luckily, it has a much lower concentration, so you won’t actually get high when consuming this plant.

To ensure that plant isn’t used as a drug, the Australian government has imposed certain preventive measures.

Depending on the region, the Australian hemp growers cannot grow the plant if it has more than a certain THC percentage. In the worst-case scenario, industrial hemp in Australia can have up to 1% THC, which isn’t enough to get you high.

Edibles, and in particular, CBD products, are really safe. They are very similar to wheat and other plants. Hemp is full of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, fatty acids.

Not only are they safe, but a lot of people are using them as supplements. If you do decide to use CBD hemp for medical issues, we suggest that you consult your doctor beforehand.

2. How much is hemp worth in Australia?

The Australian government has created a long-term plan for developing the cannabis industry. Whether we’re talking about medical or recreational marijuana, these niches will probably experience an immense increase in revenues.

Back in 2011, Australian hemp production was around 300,000 Australian dollars. But, these numbers will grow in the forthcoming years.

Experts claim that by 2025, the Australian hemp industry will be worth 5 million Australian dollars. This is a significant increase, which is why more and more companies are vying for their piece of the market.

Australia has officially banned hemp growing in 1937. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean that cannabis has completely left the market. Like most other countries, Australia has developed a major black market for recreational marijuana.

With the latest legislative changes, the substances will now be legal in most Australian states and territories. Let’s consider the fact that Australia has an ideal climate for this agricultural species. It is easy to tell that some companies will make a significant profit in selling these products.

The demand for both recreational and medical marijuana is skyrocketing. In 2020, some of the states have finally legalized the plant. Keep in mind that Australia will probably never reach some other markets such as Europe and North America.

However, a good climate and favorable legislation can make it easier for domestic companies to grow and sell marijuana in foreign markets. As such, they should be able to bring enormous benefits to the Australian economy as a whole.

3. How do people grow hemp in Australia?

Today, you can find industrial hemp in Australia in any Australian state. Although certain legislative measures prevent the plant’s misuse, it is regarded as a widespread species that you can find almost anywhere.

The general interest in hemp has increased in the last decade or so as the Australian government has changed its stance on CBD products. There are more and more entrepreneurs who are trying their luck with this market.

The plant grows well in tropical and subtropical climates. The ideal growing temperature for industrial hemp is somewhere around 20 degrees.

Like any other cannabis and most other agricultural species, it grows mostly during the summer. However, you can increase the number of harvests if you decide to grow it indoors. Today, a lot of CBD companies are choosing to do just that as a way of increasing their yields.

If you decide to grow hemp for its fibers, you need to keep in mind that the harvesting starts when after pollen shedding. In other words, it takes approximately 70 to 90 days to grow the plant. The process is a bit different if you’re doing it for the seeds.

If you need hemp seeds, the harvest can be done 4 to 6 weeks after the fiber harvest. The best way to tell that the seeds are ready is if birds start chipping at them.

Hemp industry history and regulation in Australia

We are currently experiencing a real CBD rush, which is why the hemp industry’s value is increasing all over the world.

As already mentioned, the Australian government has made significant strides to promote and protect this plant. They hope that the whole cannabis industry will continue growing in the following years.

And to be honest, they have the numbers to back it up. Some ten years ago, the hemp industry in Australia had valued at around 300,000 Australian dollars. By 2023, the projections tell us that the sector’s value will rise up to 3 million.

Although things look good for growers right now, it hasn’t always been the case. The government prohibited the growth of the plant for the longest time. Since 1937, you couldn’t grow it even if it was for food.

But, things started changing as of late, and in 2017, the Australian hemp growers can produce the plant as long as it has low THC content.

The Australian hemp industry is still not that developed and cannot compete with countries such as the US. However, if the trend continues, there is a good chance that the country will become the biggest exporter in the region.

Growing industrial hemp in Australia

If you wish to grow industrial hemp in Australia, there are several things you need to know. First and foremost, you will need an appropriate license that the local government issues.

Keep in mind that this plant still has a special treatment and is not regarded as a common agricultural species. Instead, it is still marked as a cannabis plant, which means that the same laws apply for industrial hemp as they do for cannabis.

However, since hemp has lower THC content, it is rather easy to grow it. The plant is under strict control, so your crops will be continuously monitored by the local government’s experts.

Potential risks

Although most laymen think that cannabis is the product of the future (and they wouldn’t be wrong), there are still a lot of risks involved.

As you well know, hemp is a plant that is used for various purposes. It is a trendy industrial plant that, over the years, has been used for numerous products.

For example, most governments changed their opinion on industrial hemp because it can be used as a natural source of fibers without relying on any chemicals.

Unfortunately, even though Australian growers have excellent conditions for cannabis and help, they don’t fully utilize this advantage. The mechanization is not on the same level as in some other countries. This leaves a lot to be desired.

The Australian hemp producers rely heavily on manual labor, which can have a cascade effect in the long run. In fact, if the Australian companies don’t change their approach, they probably won’t be able to match foreign companies once the plant becomes globally legalized.

Besides mechanization, there are some cases where manufacturers are not close enough to their crops. This increases the cost of transport, further impacting profitability.

Although some of these things will probably change in time, it is paramount for Australian hemp growers to implement these changes as soon as possible.


There are a lot of things you can do with industrial hemp in Australia.

Although the plant has been used for various products (CBD isolategummieshemp oil capsules, etc.) throughout history, people are using it for its medical features as of late.

Australia is making enormous strides to improve its hemp and cannabis market. At this point, it seems that their efforts are bearing fruit as the country is experiencing a real agricultural renaissance by utilizing this fantastic plant.