7 CBD Myths Debunked

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a new natural product that has seen exponential growth in popularity. A compound that was once illegal and frowned upon, CBD has now been accepted into the health and wellness niche as a product that can have tremendous physical and psychological therapeutic effects.

However, due to the relative newness of CBD as a medicinal remedy and the current trend to Buy CBD oil in Australia, there is a lot of misinformation about the origin, benefits, and legalities surrounding the use of CBD.

From numerous companies putting out CBD-based products and promising outrageous results to several news outlets dismissing the effects of this cannabinoid, consumers can be confused about the real benefits of including CBD in their daily routine.

Whether you are a new consumer of CBD oil or an experienced user who is seeking more clarification, here are seven debunked CBD myths to put you at ease;

1st Myth: CBD Is A Psychedelic Substance

One of the most prevalent beliefs preventing many people from using CBD is that the cannabinoid can induce feelings of euphoria, commonly known as a ‘high.’

CBD does not contain components that elicit a psychedelic reaction as opposed to its counterpart, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the cannabinoid that makes you high.

Although THC and CBD are compounds that can be extracted from the Cannabis Sativa plant, they have different chemical structures and, as such, produce different effects.

CBD can, however, have a psychoactive effect on its user in that it can affect the mind and mental processes, usually in a positive way.

2nd Myth: CBD Is The Same As Marijuana

Because CBD and marijuana are derived from plants that belong to the same plant family, there is a wide misconception that both substances are the same. As marijuana is an illegal substance, people might be scared of committing a crime through the use of CBD.

CBD is mainly derived from Hemp, a plant that is legal for cultivation and extraction of products. Hemp contains more than 100 cannabinoids, including CBD and trace levels of THC.

On the other hand, marijuana contains a significant amount of THC and minimal levels of CBD, hence the reason why it is still a banned substance.

3rd Myth: All CBD Extracts Are Similar

CBD oil can be extracted through several methods that produce varying formulas of CBD. A CBD oil can be a full spectrum, broad-spectrum, or an isolate extract.

A full spectrum oil contains CBD as well as other compounds that can be derived from the hemp plant, such as terpenes and flavonoids. It also has less than 0.3% of THC, which is the legal amount of THC that a CBD product can contain.

In contrast, a broad spectrum oil includes all the derivatives of Hemp, except THC.

A CBD isolate extract is a compound that contains pure CBD with no cannabinoid additives.

4th Myth: There Is No Scientific Evidence of CBD’s Benefits

Due to the previous clamp down on Cannabis and its derivatives, there have been significant restrictions on scientific studies and clinical trials about CBD.

However, preliminary studies were carried out about Cannabidiol and its structure as far back as 1963 by Mechoulam and several others.

In recent years, several reputable institutions have carried out research about the various ways CBD can be utilized to improve health and wellbeing.

For example, a 2011 study involving subjects with social anxiety produced results that point to the anxiolytic effects of CBD.

Another instance is the study carried out in 2007 on rats that showed the potential therapeutic effects of CBD on inflammation and neuropathic pain.

Epidiolex, a CBD-based medication, was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2018 as a treatment option for Dravet Syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, two rare forms of epilepsy.

5th Myth: CBD Is A Wonder Drug

Due to the exponential growth of interest in CBD and its products, a lot of companies have taken to putting out CBD-infused products with sensationalized marketing strategies and unfounded medical benefits. The present lack of regulations and worldwide standards guiding CBD and its sale has made it possible for false advertisers to go scot-free.

While CBD has been proven to provide anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, anti-oxidative, and anti-epileptic effects, it is not a remedy for every systemic disease that plagues the human population.

CBD oil can be used alongside your prescribed drugs after you have gained approval from your healthcare practitioner. It is not meant to replace medicines that have undergone years of clinical trials and gained approval from the relevant authorities.

6th Myth: CBD Is Just A Placebo

There is currently no standard dosage for CBD use, and users are expected to discover their ideal dosage through trial and error. People who use small amounts of CBD for a few days might not derive any benefit from the product.

Getting the desired effects from CBD requires consistent use and regular finetuning of dosage until you reach your optimal dosage. Start with low doses and increase it as you see fit. You do not necessarily need to use high dosages of CBD before you begin to experience its effects.

Factors such as age, weight, body metabolism, and method of administration play significant roles in how efficiently and rapidly CBD will work in your system.

You also need to ensure that you get the best CBD formula for your needs. Full and broad spectrum CBD oils have a higher level of efficacy than CBD isolates due to the presence of other cannabinoids.

Always purchase CBD products from companies that produce third party lab test results for each batch of their products.

7th Myth: CBD Produces No Side Effect

Contrary to popular belief, CBD can lead to a few side effects such as drowsiness, fatigue, and dry mouth syndrome. However, there have been no reports of adverse or fatal effects as a result of CBD usage.

CBD has been known to interact with other medications, producing adverse effects in some instances. Hence, it is important to consult your physician before you add CBD to your drug regimen. CBD can be contraindicated in some conditions such as pregnancy.